Everyone carries a business card, whether it is for the business that they own, the company that they are a salesperson for or even the restaurant that wants to give people a quick and simple way to save their contact information. With so many business cards being passed around for so many different purposes, it is important that your business card stands out, otherwise, it will blend in and be forgotten.
We offer several business card printing solutions to help your business revolutionize your business cards.
QR Codes for Business Cards
A lot of things became touch-free during the COVID-19 pandemic, and QR codes saw a huge uptick in use. By allowing someone to simply pull out their phone, open their camera or QR app and snap a picture that then takes them to the desired web page, service and communication become faster and more convenient.
You can even track leads using a QR code by having UTM tracking parameters associated with the code that tells you how many times your company’s site has been visited by way of that specific QR code. Such a small, simple code offers so many benefits and advantages!
Double-sided Business Cards:
The backside of business cards can provide useful information to your clients for example: If your restaurant is handing out business cards with your address and contact information on them, the other side can be used for a coupon to entice people to visit, business hours to let people know when to come to see you, or specials such as a happy hour.
Sales professionals can use the other side of their business card to provide quick tidbits about why customers should work with them while small business owners can showcase one or two product or service images. Rather than trying to fit a lot of information onto one side of the card, it can be spread out when the other side of the business card is utilized.
These are just two of the many ways that Allegra can help your organization revolutionize your business cards. Contact us for all of your business card printing needs, from the initial graphic design to choosing the card materials and shape and then printing them.